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How Furniture Configuration Tool Saves the Planet and Your Money

Right now, online shopping is creating a mountain of waste. Returned products, inventory errors, and manufacturing surpluses all pile up.

A whopping 79% of shoppers expect free return shipping. If you charge for returns, 69% of people will just walk away. Nothing annoys shoppers more than having to pay for return shipping. Restocking fees are also a big no-no, along with long waits to get their money back.

This puts retailers in a tough spot. Offering free returns might mean a significant loss of money. In 2023, returns cost U.S. businesses $744 billion.

The financial hit isn’t the only issue.

The environmental damage is equally shocking. Americans toss out over 12 million tons of furniture each year, with much of it ending up in landfills. If we stacked every piece of furniture discard each year end to end, it would form a mountain of trash stretching from New York to Los Angeles and back—over 2,500 miles of waste. This waste problem has skyrocketed 450% since the 1960s.

Even big names like Ikea and Wayfair are feeling the pressure to improve. Ikea has set ambitious sustainability goals, aiming to use only recycled or renewable materials by 2030. Wayfair has pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 63% by 2035. These efforts show a shift in the industry, though there's still a long way to go.

Some companies are also improving return processes and making recyclable packaging, but that’s not enough. In contrast, Amazon claims none of its returns end up in landfills, though this often means they are either incinerated or diverted to "energy recovery."

Furniture is bulky. It takes tons of materials to make, costs more to ship, and eats up valuable space. And then there’s the cost of trying to predict what customers want, keeping them happy, and managing all those returns. It's a massive hit to your bottom line and the environment.

The solution? Reduce returns and overproduction from the start. A furniture configuration tool is your answer. This approach saves time and money while giving the planet a much-needed break. Moreover, customers will appreciate your green efforts.

What is Furniture Configuration Tool?

As an online retailer, you're always looking for ways to give your customers more information about your products.

Furniture configuration software offers 360-degree visuals and customization options for every piece in your catalog. Your customers can zoom in and rotate the product to see every detail. They can even personalize items in real time.


But it gets better. With interactive 3D models and artificial intelligence, customers can virtually visualize and place your entire furniture collection or bundle in their home—or even outside—just by taking a photo.


The 3D configuration tool is a powerful asset that engages customers while keeping the sales process smooth and efficient. It integrates smoothly with your website and launches right from your product pages, guiding customers through their purchase as if they were talking to your sales team in person.

By now, you might see how a furniture configuration makes your website more user-friendly. But how does it help the environment?


1. A Smart Way to Improve Demand Forecasting and Prevent Overproduction

Demand forecasting is like trying to predict the future using old data. It’s crucial for business decisions, but it’s not always spot-on.

If forecasts are off, overproduction happens. That’s a lot of waste. Extra products end up in landfills, burning through energy and resources.

To avoid this, retailers need a clearer picture of what customers want. Traditional methods rely on past sales and market trends, but in these unpredictable times, last year’s data might as well be from another planet.

Furniture configuration offer a real-time view of customer interest. By tracking things like configurator clicks and items added to carts, you get a better idea of what people actually want.

furniture configuration stats


2. Furniture Configuration Eliminates the Need for Energy-Intensive Photo Shoots

A single photoshoot for a new furniture line is no small feat. You’ve got to package, ship, and transport thousands of items from the warehouse to a studio, and back again. That creates a lot of shipping waste and carbon emissions. Plus, studio lighting and equipment can guzzle industrial-strength electricity.

Instead, why not use software to get your product images? It’s way more efficient. Here’s how:

  • 3D furniture rendering. Сreate thousands of photorealistic 2D images from a single 3D model. No studio needed.

  • 3D configuration. Use 3D models to offer endless furniture configurations in a 360-degree view. Customers can see different colors, materials, and options in real time.

 furniture configuration integration impact


3. Furniture Configuration Cut Returns

Furniture configuration tools are cutting down on returns. They streamline the sales cycle and make shopping more enjoyable. Here’s how:

  • 360-degree views. 3D models provide detailed views, so customers don’t rely on vague descriptions. Since 22% of returns happen because buyers thought the images didn’t match reality, better images can cut returns significantly.

furniture configuration 360

  • Real-time customization. Customers can tweak features and see pricing updates instantly, avoiding those annoying shopping cart surprises.

  • Artificial intelligence. With AI, shoppers can use their phones to see how furniture fits in their space, ensuring it’s a perfect match.

  • Interactive fun. The furniture configuration makes shopping interactive and engaging, which boosts satisfaction.

  • Personal investment. Configuration makes customers feel more connected to the product, reducing the likelihood of returns.

Factors to consider for implementing a small living room furniture configuration

As a result:

  • Less landfill waste. Fewer returns mean less waste ending up in landfills.

  • Lower emissions. Fewer returns lead to reduced fuel emissions from shipping.

  • Reduced production waste. Making only what’s needed lowers your carbon footprint.

Happy, confident customers tend to return and stay loyal. A personalized furniture shopping experience helps with:

  • 50% more referrals. Satisfied customers spread the word.

  • 94% boost in profits. Increased satisfaction equals higher profits.

  • More than 260% increase in lifetime value. Loyal customers spend more over time.

why furniture configuration attracts retailers


Ready for Change?

The eCommerce sustainability challenge is a big one. There’s no quick fix to turn a company from wasteful to waste-free overnight.

Will a furniture configuration app make eCommerce carbon-neutral by tomorrow? Not quite. But can it help retailers start reducing their carbon footprint and waste today? Absolutely.

These configurations ensure customers only buy what they truly need, reducing resource use. Both the planet and your customers will appreciate it.


Zolak Can Help

Selling furniture online is all about telling a great story, visually. I mean, not just throwing a chair on a website and hoping for the best. Big-ticket items like furniture need to feel real—like that sofa is already in someone’s living room.

In the old days (pre-AI), furniture photoshoots were the gold standard. You’d haul the product into a studio, stage it, and hope it looked good. Now, things have taken a high-tech turn thanks to AI.

AI has made life easier for retailers. Customers can literally place a 3D model of a chair in their own living room with a tool like Zolak Showroom. It’s not just one chair either—they can view your entire collection in their space, customize colors with Zolak Configurator, and even see if it matches their dog’s bed. By the time they’re playing around with these tools, they’re already imagining the piece in their home. In other words, they’re practically sold.


Zolak Showroom and Configurator are designed specifically for the furniture industry. Customers can interact with your products in real-time, making tweaks and customizations right on your website. This kind of hands-on experience gives them the confidence to hit "buy," knowing they’re making the perfect choice.

Get in touch to learn more about how Zolak Visual Commerce platform can help your business.

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Related Configurator Content You’ll Like

1. Ecommerce product configurator: everything you need to know in 2024. Explore the advantages and types of configurators for different industries and learn how to get started.

2. Guide to the right product configurator for small furniture businesses. Discover key features, types, and cost considerations to find the best configuration tool for your needs.

See how Zolak can help you power-up online furniture store for growth and revenue.

Sell Furniture Products? Explore AI-Powered Visual Commerce Solutions

Zolak allows your customers to digitize their own spaces or choose from pre-designed virtual rooms to visualize and interact with furniture products. With accurate details, realistic lighting,  and shadows, our showroom delivers a photorealistic experience  that engages customers and drives conversions.
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How does Zolak’s platform support integration with websites, and what options do I have?

Zolak’s platform integrates seamlessly with various websites, including Magento, Shopify, BigCommerce, etc. For easy setup, we provide a user-friendly code snippet to embed directly into your site. If you need more advanced features, such as syncing shopping carts or managing inventory automatically, we offer API options.

What modeling formats are best for Zolak’s platform?

Zolak’s platform performs best with .glb and .gltf formats. If you don’t have a model yet, just send us three reference images (front, side, and back), along with dimensions and any lifestyle photos. Our team will create the model for you.

How can I use the office furniture configuration tool to enhance the design of my store's offerings?

By using this tool, you can help them choose chairs and tables that fit their style and design preferences. Customers can visualize different finishes and configurations in real-time, making it easier to select the perfect office furniture setup. Whether they are looking for modular furniture configuration or specific living room furniture configuration ideas, this tool provides a comprehensive overview of their options, ensuring they find exactly what they need.

How does the furniture configuration in living room tool assist in creating a fast and effective shopping experience?

This tool streamlines the process of finding the right pieces for customers by allowing them to choose and visualize chairs, tables, and other furniture in various styles and finishes. This tool makes it simple for customers to quickly select their preferred living room furniture configuration and explore modular furniture configurations, improving the overall efficiency and satisfaction of their shopping experience.

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