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Guide to the Right Product Configurator for Small Furniture Businesses

What is a product configurator? Why should I even care? Do I really need one? You're not alone. These are the same questions many small furniture retailers are grappling with as they try to keep up with the ever-evolving digital shopping experience.

The idea of "one-size-fits-all" is about as outdated as dial-up internet. People want choices. They crave personalized experiences. And as a furniture business, that means showing your products in a way that gives them exactly what they want—even when they can't touch or see the items in person. That’s where the product configurator comes in. It not only simplifies the sales process but also helps improve customer satisfaction by delivering exactly what they envision.

What Is a Product Configurator?

Potential customers are scrolling through your website. They love the look of a particular sofa but wish it came in a different fabric. If you don’t offer a way for them to tweak and see the changes in real-time, chances are they’ll move on.

A product configurator is software that empowers customers to personalize products based on their unique preferences. Whether accessed through a web platform or a mobile app, this technology allows users to modify various attributes while viewing real-time updates on the product's appearance and price.


By making online shopping interactive, visual, and engaging, a product configurator enhances the customer experience by enabling customers to customize products tailored to their exact needs in a fun and intuitive way.

What Does a Product Configurator Do?

Here’s how a typical product configurator works:

  • Product selection: The customer begins by choosing the base product they wish to customize.

  • Customization options: The configurator presents a range of customizable options, such as color, material, and additional features. The user can select these options according to their preferences, all while seeing real-time updates on how these choices affect the final product. This enhances the product customization experience.

  • Validation: As the customer makes their selections, the configurator’s built-in rule engine works behind the scenes to ensure that all chosen combinations are compatible. This engine uses a set of predefined rules to validate the choices, ensuring that the product can be manufactured as configured.

  • Quote generation: Once the customization is complete, the configurator automatically generates a quote, reflecting the final price based on the selected options. This gives customers a clear understanding of the cost before they proceed to purchase.

  • Purchase: With the product fully customized and validated, the customer can confidently complete the purchase, knowing that the final product will match their exact specifications.

Product Configuration Rule Engine

The configurator’s smooth operation relies on a powerful configuration rule engine. This engine is responsible for checking and validating the combinations of components and features that the customer selects.

By applying a comprehensive set of rules, it ensures that every configured product is both feasible and ready for production. This not only prevents errors but also simplifies the entire configuration process, making it efficient for both the customer and the business.

Product Configuration Rule Engine


Features That Matter

Not all configurators are created equal. Some advanced product configurator examples offer 3D visualization capabilities, allowing customers to rotate and zoom in on their customized products.

To ensure you select the ideal tool for your online store, it's crucial to look for features that will enhance both customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Here are some essential features to consider when choosing a product configurator:

1. Advanced 3D product visualization

Many product configurators rely on high-quality 2D images to showcase products, but these can be limited in terms of interaction and detail. To truly captivate your customers, opt for a configurator with robust 3D visualization capabilities.

A 3D product configurator offers a dynamic and immersive experience, allowing customers to:

  • Rotate and zoom

  • Real-time updates

2. Configure, price, quote (CPQ) functionality

A CPQ feature is another critical component to look for. This tool updates the pricing in real time as customers choose various options, ensuring they know the final cost before reaching the checkout page.

The benefits of CPQ include:

  • Transparent pricing: Prevents surprises at checkout by providing clear pricing throughout the customization process.

  • On-the-spot quoting: Enables your sales team to generate immediate quotes for custom orders, expediting the sales cycle, especially in physical stores.

3. Augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) integration

To complement your configurator’s 3D visuals, consider one that incorporates augmented reality or artificicial intelligence. AR and AI blends the virtual and physical worlds, allowing customers to:

  • Visualize products in real settings: Users can use mobile devices to view detailed 3D models of their custom products in their own space.


4. Guided Configuration

For products with complex configurations, a guided configuration feature is invaluable. This tool helps customers navigate the customization process by:

  • Ensuring compatibility: Prevents customers from selecting incompatible features that could result in a non-functional product.

  • Providing guidance: Offers suggestions and educational information to help customers understand their choices.

5. Automatic Bill of Materials (BOM) Generation

To streamline order fulfillment and ensure manufacturing accuracy, choose a configurator that automatically generates a bill of materials (BOM) for each order. This feature:

  • Accurate costing: Provides precise details on the required components, helping to calculate the exact cost of production.

  • Efficient fulfillment: Simplifies the process by detailing the necessary materials, reducing errors and improving efficiency in manufacturing and order completion.


What Types of Product Configurators are There?

Website product configurators come in various forms, each tailored to different types of products and customization needs.

Here’s a breakdown of the main types and how they can enhance customer experience and streamline the sales process.

1. Configurators for Products with Variants and Options (PTO - Pick-to-Order)

PTO configurators are among the simplest and most common types of configurators found in online shops.

  • Customers can select from different colors, materials, sizes, or finishes.

  • These may include additional features or accessories that enhance the base product's functionality or appeal. 

Configurators for Products with Variants and Options

2. Configurators for Products with Variants, Options, and Dependencies (ATO - Assemble-to-Order / CTO - Configure-to-Order)

These configurators handle more complex products where numerous variants and options are available.

  • These configurators manage extensive options and their interactions. For example, a custom-built sofa configurator might offer choices for fabric, cushion type, and sectional arrangements.

  • They incorporate logic to ensure compatibility between selected options. If a particular configuration requires specific components or excludes certain choices, the configurator will enforce these rules to ensure a functional end product.

Configurators for Products with Variants, Options, and Dependencies

3. Configurators for Customized Products (MTO - Make-to-Order)

MTO configurators are designed for products that are made to order based on customer specifications.

  • Allows for significant alterations to the product's specifications. For example, a garden shed configurator might let customers define dimensions, materials, and design features based on their unique needs.

  • Provides a detailed visualization and estimated pricing based on the customizations. It may also include the capability to handle complex dependencies and restrictions inherent in tailored products.

Configurators for Customized Products

4. Configurators for New Products (ETO - Engineer-to-Order)

ETO configurators are used in the development of new or highly customized products.

  • Assists in designing new products by checking technical feasibility and ensuring all components fit together. They may also help generate technical drawings and cost estimates.

  • These configurators include detailed rules to comply with technical specifications and design constraints, helping to ensure the final product meets all necessary requirements.

Configurators for New Products

Each type of product configurator addresses specific needs, from straightforward options selection to complex customizations and new product development. Choosing the right configurator depends on the complexity of your products and the level of customization you wish to offer your customers.

Types of Product Configurators


13 Benefits of Product Configurators for Your Business

If you’re still on the fence about adding a product configurator to your site, let’s walk through some of the key benefits that make it a game-changer. Whether you’re selling custom furniture or other complex products, these tools can boost sales, simplify management, and impress your customers.

Benefits of Product Configurators

1. Easily Manage Complex Products

Got a product with endless options? A product configurator makes managing all those choices a breeze. Customers can explore every possible combination without overwhelming themselves (or your sales team). Whether it’s choosing between fabrics or finishes for a couch, it ensures everything fits together perfectly.

2. Stunning 360-Degree Visualization

Configurators offer interactive 3D views that allow customers to see their product from every angle. This immersive experience helps customers visualize how the product will look in real life, enhancing their confidence in their choices and reducing the likelihood of returns.

3. Automation of the Purchasing Process

Tired of manually updating prices or creating quotes? A product configurator automates all that. It calculates costs, applies discounts, and generates accurate quotes instantly based on the customer’s customizations.

4. Optimized Sales Team Focus

Handling repetitive inquiries about product variations can eat up your sales team's time. A configurator steps in to handle the routine stuff, so your team can focus on bigger tasks like closing deals or building relationships.

5. Personalized Experiences Your Customers Will Love

Personalization is key to modern consumer expectations. According to McKinsey, 71% expect personalized experiences, and Deloitte finds 36% crave custom products. A configurator delivers exactly that, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

6. Increased Engagement and Buyer Education

Most websites are full of static content, which can get a little dull. But with an interactive product configurator, customers stay engaged longer and enjoy exploring different options. It’s a fun, educational journey that makes them more likely to buy and feel good about their decision.

7. Cross-Device Accessibility

Whether your customers are shopping from their couch, on the go, or at a trade show, a mobile-friendly product configurator means they can customize and order from any device. With over 50% of online traffic coming from mobile, this is key to reaching more shoppers.

8. Collaboration and Sharing Capabilities

Product configurators make it easy for customers to save and share their designs with others. This collaborative feature is perfect for projects like home renovations or office furniture setups. What’s more, shared configurations on social media can attract even more customers.

9. Smooth Integration with Your Business Systems

Modern product configurators don’t work in isolation. They sync up with your existing systems, whether it’s CRM, ERP, or your eCommerce platform. This means smooth order management, better data flow, and less manual work on your end.

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Learn how ecommerce product configurators help reduce buyer's remorse and gain insights into how various industries—furniture, fashion, vehicles, electronics, and more—use product configurators to offer unique, tailored experiences that drive sales and customer satisfaction.

10. Competitive Edge with Customization

Offering a high level of customization not only sets your business apart from the competition but also shows that you’re dedicated to meeting your customers' needs. In a crowded market, this can be the difference between winning a sale and losing one.

11. Reduced Lead Time

Product configurator tools reduce lead time by giving customers all the information they need upfront. Instead of waiting on back-and-forth emails or quotes, they can see product options in real-time, make decisions faster, and hit buy with confidence.

12. Improved Stock Management

Worried about selling products you don’t have? A well-integrated configurator helps optimize inventory management by connecting with your system, ensuring customers only select options that are in stock. This keeps everyone happy and prevents those dreaded "Sorry, out of stock" emails.

13. Higher Conversion Rates

When customers can visualize, personalize, and buy with confidence, they’re much more likely to complete the purchase. Moreover, a product configurator can facilitate cross-selling and upselling by offering additional features or complementary products during the customization process. This not only enhances the customer experience but also opens up opportunities for increased revenue and a deeper understanding of customer preferences.


Who Benefits from a Product Configurator

Product configurators are powerful tools that bring real value to various industries, both in B2C and B2B.

Whether you're aiming to elevate your brand or create a seamless customer experience, a configurator can give you that much-needed competitive edge. But who really benefits from these tools? Let’s break it down.

Marketing Teams

A marketing manager is usually tasked with driving more leads.

People love taking control of their shopping experience, and that’s exactly what a configurator offers. It enhances customer engagement by allowing users to interact with their options—whether it's switching up the color of a couch or swapping accessories on a dining set. 

As a result, your configurator becomes a powerful tool for turning curious browsers into engaged buyers. By feeding your sales pipeline with interested prospects, it effectively boosts lead generation and supports your overall sales strategy.

On top of that, the visuals created through the configurator (3D models) can be repurposed across your marketing strategies, from eye-catching social media posts to sleek presentations at trade shows.

Your Customers

Customer Benefits from a Product Configurator

Managing customization without a configurator is a nightmare.

You’ll be bogged down with requests, trying to manually keep track of all the different variations customers want. Worse, you might lose sales because potential buyers can't visualize their dream product and simply move on to a competitor who offers more innovative solutions.

Product configurator tool makes customization easy and fun with its user-friendly interface. Additionally, it empowers your customers to create a customized product that feels special to them, which is exactly what people are looking for in today’s marketplace.

In an era where customers research before contacting sales, product configurators allow them to experiment with styles and colors, creating a personalized and engaging shopping experience that differentiates your brand.

Retailers and Distributors

Retailers without configurators often face the challenge of explaining product variations to customers. Without being able to see those options, customers might feel unsure and hesitant, leading to lost sales.

A product configurator solves that problem. It acts as a virtual showroom, showcasing all the product variants and configurations you offer, even if you don’t have the physical space to display them all.

Let’s say you’re a distributor for a furniture brand with limited display space. A product configurator lets customers explore your full catalog online, customize items, and see their choices in real-time. Additionally, you can brand the configurator to maintain a cohesive, professional look.

Construction, Manufacturing and Production Teams

Without a configurator, production teams often deal with unclear or incomplete order specs, leading to delays or errors.

A product configurator simplifies the production process by automating tasks like generating the bill of materials and reducing the chance of customer returns. These tools streamline the manufacturing process, ensuring that orders for configurable products come in with all the necessary details already customized and ready to go. This minimizes miscommunication and delays.

With customers having already designed their ideal product, production can hit the ground running with clear, accurate specs, reducing rework and boosting overall efficiency.

Product Management Teams

For product managers, configurators are a goldmine of insights.

By analyzing how customers interact with the tool—what features they’re choosing, what options they’re ignoring—you can better understand furniture trends and preferences, ultimately enhancing the buying process. This data helps you make smart, informed decisions about future product developments.

Moreover, configurators allow product managers to easily update and manage product options in real-time. This means no more outdated catalogs or confusion between sales channels. Every customer gets access to the latest and greatest, with minimal hassle for your team.


How Much Does a Product Configurator Cost

If you're thinking about a custom-built product configurator, the price tag can start at around $20,000 and go up to $500,000 for more advanced systems.

Now, before you gasp at those numbers, let’s break down what you’re really paying for.

The cost largely depends on what type of configurator you need. A basic 2D configurator will be on the lower end of the spectrum. But if you're looking for something more immersive—like AR or AI-driven features that let customers see piece of furniture right in their living room—the price goes up. With AR, customers can visualize a product in their home, while with AI, they can go a step further: take a photo of their room, remove existing furniture, and replace it with pieces from your catalog.

Sound amazing? Absolutely. Necessary for a small business to spend that much? Not always.

For most furniture retailers, dropping tens of thousands of dollars on a custom solution might seem like overkill. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel to give your customers an engaging, personalized shopping experience. Subscription-based, ready-to-use configurators are like the IKEA of tech solutions—affordable, effective, and great for growing businesses.


Why Zolak is the Perfect Fit for Your Product Configurator Needs

Zolak Configurator is a subscription-based product configurator that offers a user-friendly interface and allows your customers to configure products with just a few clicks. Starting at $90 per month, you get a 3D product configurator to test the waters. It’s a low-risk way to see if a configurator is right for your business.


And if you love what you see, you can level up with Zolak Showroom. This addition helps guide customers through an interactive experience, allowing them to take photos of their space, remove existing furniture, and add your products to visualize how everything will look in their home. They can even mix and match pieces, customize materials, and play around with textures.

For as little as $380 a month, you get both the configurator and showroom features—an affordable option for enhancing the design process and meeting individual preferences.


The real benefit here is that you don’t have to dive headfirst into a huge investment. You can start small, see if your customers engage with the configurator, and then scale up when you're ready. If you find that your audience loves customizing furniture, upgrading to the more advanced features becomes a no-brainer.

Looking for more reasons to love Zolak?

  1. Trusted partner in 3D and AI. Zolak is known for its cutting-edge AI-driven tools, making it the go-to choice for forward-thinking retailers.

  1. 3D rendering as a virtual photographer. Make 3d model ones and get thousands of photorealistic images of your products without needing a professional photographer.

  2. Seamless integration. Zolak integrates effortlessly with your existing e-commerce platform, making it simple to embed into your online store. No need for complex setups or tech headaches.

  3. Customer support. Got questions or need help? Zolak’s customer support team is there to assist you every step of the way.

  4. Tiered pricing to meet your budget. Whether you're just starting out or ready to go big, Zolak’s tiered pricing means you can choose a plan that fits your needs and budget perfectly.

See our product configurator software for the furniture industry today by booking a demo with our specialists.

Sell Furniture Products? Explore AI-Powered Visual Commerce Solutions

Zolak allows your customers to digitize their own spaces or choose from pre-designed virtual rooms to visualize and interact with furniture products. With accurate details, realistic lighting,  and shadows, our showroom delivers a photorealistic experience  that engages customers and drives conversions.
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What is a configurator?

A configurator, or product configuration tool, allows customers to personalize products by selecting features, colors, materials, and other options. The visual representation provided by the configurator helps customers see their choices in real-time. This tool is widely used across diverse industries, from automotive to fashion, enabling businesses to offer tailored products and increase sales through better customer engagement.

How to build a product configurator?

To build a product configurator, follow these steps:

  1. Define the product and its options: Start by outlining the core product and all possible product configurations like size, color, materials, or features that customers can personalize.

  2. Choose the right product configuration software: Selecting the right product configuration tool is key. Look for product configuration software that integrates with your existing systems like inventory management and your CRM. A CRM product configurator helps manage potential customers and improves customer relationship tracking.

  3. Choose an easy-to-navigate interface. Opt for an intuitive and user-friendly interface that lets customers easily visualize and customize their products in real time. A clear visual representation of the personalized product enhances the shopping experience and boosts engagement.

  4. Incorporate pricing and rules: The product configurator should adjust pricing dynamically based on the customer’s selected options. It should also include rules to prevent the selection of incompatible product features.

  5. Test and launch: Thoroughly test your product configurator solution to ensure all product configurations work correctly. Once ready, integrate the configurator into your website or eCommerce platform.

What is the product configurator definition, and how does it benefit businesses?

A product configurator, meaning a tool that allows customers to customize a product to their liking, enables businesses to offer personalized products, leading to increased customer satisfaction and higher chances of repeat purchases. A well-integrated product configurator can be a game-changer for sales growth and customer loyalty, especially when combined with technological advancements in e-commerce platforms.

How are product configuration tools utilized in various industries?

Product configurator work across diverse industries, from furniture to the automotive industry, by providing a seamless customization process for customers. They allow businesses to offer personalized products, reduce errors in orders, and provide a clearer visual representation of the final product. This leads to higher customer satisfaction, fewer returns, and ultimately helps increase sales.

Read the Latest From the Zolak Team

Find out more about about Zolak products and latest trends in AR, VR, Computer Vision, Data Analytics, and Product Visualization.