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360 Product Photography for Furniture Industry: Equipment, Steps and Tech

If you're running a business and want to make your products stand out through photography, diving into 360 product photography is a smart move. This marketing approach packs a punch because it lets customers see every angle of your product all at once.

Let's talk numbers:

Chances are, you've been on the other end of online shopping frustrations: unclear product details, incomplete photos, no zoom feaature. It's a hassle. And when you can't fully visualize what you're interested in, you're less likely to make a purchase.

In essence, today's shoppers demand a higher standard of visual representation in ecommerce. So, how can ecommerce marketers rise to meet this demand?

We'll guide you through the stages of implementing 360 product photography on your ecommerce website, from starting out on your own to outsourcing and eventually scaling up.

What is 360 product photography?

360 product photography is a technique that uses a series of images to create a dynamic, lifelike representation of a product that viewers can rotate at their leisure.

360 product photography

You start by placing your product on a turntable and snapping a picture. Then, you rotate the product a set number of degrees and snap another photo. Repeat this process until you've captured the product from every angle, completing a full 360-degree rotation. Specialized software stitches these individual images together seamlessly, creating a single, interactive 360-degree photo that can be displayed on a website.

Works well for non-configurable products.

Shortcomings include the necessity for pre-rendering, making it less than ideal for customizable products.

Observed impact on conversion rate 27% to 40%.

Key terminology: stills, 360s, 3D spins and 3D models

To avoid any confusion, let’s clarify some key terms in the industry.

Still images (or stills). Individual photographs taken from specific angles or frames around an object. Typically, a 360-degree product spin comprises 36 still images at 10-degree intervals, which are then stitched together using specialized software.

360s (also 360 spins, 360 spin product photography, spins, or 360° packshots). Standard, single-row spins where each frame is captured at a 10-degree elevation angle.

3D spins (also multi-row spins, or hemispherical / spherical spins). These involve two or more rows of still images. The first row is usually captured at a 10-degree angle, while subsequent rows capture various vertical angles. This results in a 3D product experience, offering both horizontal and vertical viewing axes.

3D models. Created by stitching together a series of photos using photogrammetry scanning and specialized software. Typically, at least 2 rows of 36 frames around a product are needed. Photogrammetry software then combines these images to form a 3D model, which can be hosted on 3D product viewers or configurators.

For furniture retailers lacking extensive photo resources or preferring an alternative method, providing reference images to 3D designers can be practical. At a minimum, three photos of the model (front, side, and back) along with dimensions are needed. With these images, designers can accurately recreate furniture geometry, proportions, and details without extensive photo capture. Using specialized software, they translate 2D references or design files into 3D models, ensuring faithful representation.

This approach is especially useful for custom or unique pieces where extensive photo capture may be impractical. By supplying detailed reference materials, retailers ensure designers have all necessary information to create precise, high-quality 3D models for showcasing products in virtual environments like 3D product viewers or configurators.

What are the different types of 360-degree product spins?

Non-interactive 360-degree animations

  • Description: Sequential images stitched together to create a rotating view.

  • Perfect for: Social media, email campaigns, and simple product pages.

  • Limitations: Limited interactivity and detail, suitable for quick product showcases but may not provide in-depth exploration.

Interactive 360° spin photography

  • Description: Allows users to control the spin direction and speed.

  • Perfect for: Enhancing product detail exploration and customer interaction.

  • Limitations: Requires higher bandwidth; may not work well on slower connections.

Multi-Row 3D Photography (Hemispherical/Spherical or 3D Product Photography)

  • Description: Captures the product from multiple angles for a 3D effect.

  • Perfect for: High-end furniture showcasing with intricate details.

  • Limitations: Higher production costs and technical expertise required.

Two-axis 360° spins (also double- / dual-axis 360° spins)

  • Description: Adds vertical movement to the standard horizontal spin.

  • Perfect for: Displaying multi-level or adjustable furniture pieces.

  • Limitations: May require specialized equipment for capturing.

Time-lapse product animations

  • Description: Showcases product assembly or transformation over time.

  • Perfect for: DIY furniture or complex assembly demonstrations.

  • Limitations: Requires meticulous planning and editing for smooth transitions.

360 product video clip animations

  • Description: Video-based spins providing a dynamic view of products.

  • Perfect for: Social media marketing and product highlight reels.

  • Limitations: Larger file sizes; may require video optimization for web.

Photorealistic 3D models

  • Description: Digitally created models for hyper-realistic representations.

  • Perfect for: Customizable or yet-to-be-manufactured furniture designs.

  • Limitations: 3D models, despite their detail and realism, may lack the authenticity and realism of actual product photographs, especially in terms of texture and lighting.

How does 360 product photography work and product photography equipment

360 product photography equipment


A high-quality DSLR camera is essential for capturing professional-grade 360-degree product photos. With its advanced optics, adjustable settings, and superior image resolution, a DSLR camera ensures that every detail of the product is captured accurately and in high definition. The versatility of a DSLR allows for precise control over exposure, focus, and depth of field, resulting in stunning and visually engaging 360-degree images.


Sturdy tripods are essential for maintaining stability and consistency in your shots, particularly during multiple-shot photography. Look for tripods with adjustable height, leg angles, and robust locking mechanisms to support your camera setup securely.

360 photography turntable

Rotating turntables provide smooth and controlled rotation of your products, making it easier to capture multiple angles seamlessly. Choose motorized turntables for precise control over rotation speed and direction, ensuring uniformity in your 360-degree images.

Harnessing natural light

Natural light, the unsung hero of photography, takes center stage once again. Position your setup strategically next to a window to bask your product in the soft, diffused glow of sunlight. This not only highlights the details but also infuses a natural warmth into your images, enticing potential buyers with its authenticity.

The art of reflection

To ensure uniform illumination, employ reflectors strategically. Something as humble as a white foam board can work wonders, bouncing sunlight onto the non-window side of your product. This simple yet effective technique enhances the depth and dimension of your images, elevating them from mundane to mesmerizing.

Editing software

Editing software enables you to refine and enhance your 360-degree product photos to achieve the desired aesthetic and visual impact. From adjusting colors and exposure to removing imperfections and adding creative effects, these tools offer a wide range of editing capabilities. Here are some popular editing software options: Adobe Photoshop, Capture One, Affinity Photo.

Stitching software

Stitching software plays a crucial role in combining multiple images seamlessly to create a cohesive 360-degree view of your product. These programs analyze overlapping areas in adjacent images and align them accurately to eliminate visible seams or distortions. Here are some popular stitching 360 product photography software options: PTGui, AutoPano Giga, Adobe Photoshop's Photomerge.


After editing, you can integrate the 360 degree product images into your website or online store. Many e-commerce platforms offer plugins or built-in tools for showcasing interactive product views. Alternatively, you can host the images on a dedicated platform and embed them into your site.

Which furniture products benefit most from 360° images?

Adding the third dimension to complex products

Complex furniture items, such as sectional sofas with multiple configurations, modular shelving units, or intricately designed chairs with various components, greatly benefit from 360° images. These products often have intricate details that can't be fully captured in traditional static images.

360° armchair image

Highlighting assembly and functionality

Some furniture items require assembly, and others boast unique functionalities such as extendable sections, hidden storage compartments, or adjustable features. 360° images can demonstrate these aspects in action, providing clarity on assembly instructions or showcasing how the furniture adapts to different usage scenarios.

 360° table image

Showcasing material and texture

Furniture is as much about tactile experiences as it is about visual appeal. High-quality materials and textures are key selling points for many furniture pieces. 360° images excel at showcasing these attributes by allowing customers to zoom in and inspect the fabric, wood grain, finishes, and other details up close. For example, a 360° view of a luxurious velvet sofa can highlight its softness and sheen, enticing customers who prioritize comfort and aesthetics. Similarly, a close-up view of a solid wood dining table in a 360° image can reveal the intricate grain patterns and craftsmanship, appealing to buyers looking for durability and timeless elegance.

product photography 360 degree

Highlighting design details

Intricately designed furniture pieces, such as ornate bed frames, sculptural coffee tables, or architecturally inspired bookshelves, often feature intricate details that contribute to their aesthetic appeal. 360° images allow consumers to zoom in and examine these design elements closely, appreciating the craftsmanship and unique features that set the product apart.

Where to use 360 product photography

Ecommerce product photography

Ecommerce platforms rely heavily on high-quality imagery to capture customers' attention. Traditional ecommerce product photography often features items against a clean, white background—providing a neutral canvas that lets the product shine without distractions. This same backdrop serves as an optimal stage for 360-degree shots.

Amazon product photography

Amazon has stringent guidelines for 360 product photography, including the use of a white background to maintain a consistent and professional look across listings. By using 360-degree photography, sellers can seamlessly adhere to these guidelines while showcasing their products in an interactive and visually appealing manner. This not only enhances the overall buying experience for customers but also ensures compliance with Amazon's standards, reducing the risk of penalties or listing removals.

Shopify product photography

Just like Amazon, Shopify empowers businesses to showcase their products with multiple images. By incorporating 360 degree product photo, businesses can take the consumer experience to the next level.

Shopify offers a rich ecosystem of apps and plugins designed to enhance online stores. Many of these tools are specifically tailored for integrating 360 product photography seamlessly. Whether it's a plugin that simplifies the creation of interactive product views or an 360 product photography app that optimizes images for fast loading times, Shopify provides the resources businesses need to leverage this powerful visual tool effectively.

Benefits of 360 product photography for your business

Deeper customer engagement

Studies show that interactive 360-degree product views can increase engagement rates by up to 66% compared to static images alone.

With traditional static images, customers get a limited view of your product. However, with 360-degree photography, customers can rotate it to view the back and sides, and zoom in to inspect the stitching and material quality.

Conversion rates & 360º Images

At first glance, the data around 360º images is pretty stunning: 

  • On, rotating images increased conversion rates by 10 to 40%. 

  • On, rotating images increased conversions by by 27%.

High-quality images provide customers with a more thorough understanding of furniture products, addressing common concerns such as color accuracy and design details. For instance, a furniture retailer using 360 ptoduct photography for a dining table can showcase how it looks from different angles, including the intricate table legs and wood grain patterns. This level of detail and transparency boosts consumer confidence and can significantly increase conversion rates.

Decreased return rates

Online retailers experience a 30-40% reduction in return rates for products with 360-degree views due to increased customer satisfaction and confidence in their purchases.

Returns are a costly challenge for furniture retailers, often due to mismatched customer expectations. By offering 360-degree views of furniture items, retailers can reduce the likelihood of returns caused by size or appearance discrepancies. For example, a consumer browsing for a bedroom dresser can rotate the 360 product photography to assess the drawer layout, and handle design, making informed purchasing decisions and minimizing returns.

Competitive advantage

Businesses that incorporate 360-degree product imagery report a 40% increase in customer retention and loyalty compared to those using traditional static images.

In a competitive market, standing out is crucial. Furniture retailers adopting 360 product photography differentiate themselves from competitors relying solely on static images. For instance, a retailer showcasing a range of armchairs with 360-degree views allows customers to virtually "sit" in each chair, experiencing the comfort and style firsthand. This unique and engaging shopping experience sets the retailer apart and attracts more consumers.

Versatility for various industries

360 object photography isn't limited to specific industries—it's versatile and impactful across various sectors, including furniture retail. Whether it's showcasing intricate woodwork on a coffee table, demonstrating the functionality of a reclining chair, or highlighting the storage capacity of a wardrobe, 360-degree images empower furniture retailers to present their products comprehensively and attractively.

How much does 360 product photography cost?

360 product shot

360 product photography pricing can vary quite widely. The typical industry rates are these (roughly):

  • 360 product photographer - Usually for 360-degree images, the price is around $200 per hour. and $1500-$3000 per day as some advanced technology and methods are required for this product photography category. 

  • Photo assistant - $300-450 per day

  • Digitech - $500-750 + whatever gear they rent for the day (monitor/laptop/cart/dongles/cables/sometimes even the camera

  • Studio rental fees - Venue location is one of the main price factors. You cannot do furniture photography in a small space. These consumes a lot of space by its own. That why photo shoot locations in New York average $87 - 160 per hour to rent. Which per day will be 690- 1300.

  • Editing gets $50-150 per hour

  • Shipping and delivery - There are a number of factors that can affect how much you can expect your furniture transport quotes to be, but on average furniture transported locally will cost approximately $75 to $250, whereas long-distance furniture shipping can cost anywhere from $300 to $850.

  • Depending on the size of your company, country of residence, and legal status, a photography business may need to pay anything from 5% to 50% in tax.

360 product photography cost

When 360º images don’t work

  • You want to optimize cost. Let's face it – $6267 isn't pocket change for everyone. If you're in the business of optimizing costs without compromising on visual appeal, there are times when traditional 360 product photos might not be the best fit for your needs.

  • Have a large catalog of products. If you have a vast catalog of products, the cost of creating 360-degree images for each item can quickly escalate. It's simply not practical to invest such resources when dealing with hundreds or thousands of SKUs.

  • Have a catalog that turns around quickly. If your catalog turns around quickly with frequent updates and new releases, the time and effort required to produce 360-degree images for every product may not align with your business needs.

  • Digital marketing demands. As digital marketing continues to play a significant role in driving sales, having a plethora of visual assets at your disposal is essential. However, the high cost of 360-degree images may limit your ability to create the volume of visuals needed to fuel your marketing campaigns.

  • Furniture that you sell is configurable. For businesses offering configurable products with various customization options, creating pre-rendered 360-degree images for every possible combination can be impractical. With numerous permutations and combinations, the sheer volume of images becomes unmanageable.

What's the solution for businesses facing these challenges? Interactive 3D is a better alternative. With interactive 3D, the possibilities are endless, and the savings are substantial.

Zolak can help streamline your 360 product photography

How exactly can one 3D model transform your approach to 360 product view, and why is it more profitable than traditional methods?

Zolak Studio

With just a single 3D model, Zolak Studio can generate tens of thousands of photorealistic 2D images, showcasing every customization and angle imaginable. No more coordinating schedules, renting expensive equipment, or dealing with human errors. Once you've generated your images and download them, the possibilities are endless. Use any stitching software of your choice to seamlessly stitch them together, creating a breathtaking 360 product view that immerses your customers in the beauty of your furniture.

What if you don't have a 3D model? No problem. Zolak's expert team can create it for you. Just provide three reference images (front, side, and back) along with the dimensions of your furniture, and watch as Zolak recreates the product with precision and accuracy.

As the result with Zolak Studio you get several big benefits.


Zolak Studio enables you to create up to 10,000 images per day, far surpassing the capabilities of even the largest studios. With no physical products involved, there's no lag time for shipping, setting up a studio, or editing backgrounds.


Scaling ecommerce photography has always been a challenge, but Zolak Studio eliminates that limitation. You can realistically create images of your entire catalog in just a week, crucial for retailers with constantly evolving inventory.


Virtual photography is significantly more affordable than traditional methods, 6X - 8X cost saving over traditional photoshoot. The savings add up quickly, allowing you to allocate resources to other areas of your business.


Human photographers are limited by various factors such as lighting, physical constraints of the product, and their own skill level, which can result in the need for post-production editing. Zolak Studio, on the other hand, produces flawless images every time, saving you time and ensuring consistent quality.


If your products are customizable, Zolak Studio is the perfect tool for showcasing different variations. From colors to patterns to features, virtual photography brings your customizations to life without the need for physical prototypes.

User friendliness

You don't need to be a photography expert to use Zolak Studio. Our software is designed with business professionals in mind, making it easy to generate the imagery you need for your ecommerce platforms.


Zolak Configurator

While Zolak Studio excels in generating photorealistic 2D images from 3D models, the Zolak Configurator takes your product display to the next level by offering dynamic interactive features such as rotation, customization, and spinning of products in real-time.

Imagine the maze of products in your furniture store, each with its own unique style, color, and design. Now, envision trying to capture every angle of each item to give your customers a comprehensive view before they make a purchase. It's a daunting task, isn't it?

This is where the challenge arises for many furniture retailers.

  • While expanding your product range is exciting and signals growth, it also comes with its fair share of hurdles.

  • Increased inventory means higher logistical, storage, and fulfillment costs.

  • Large batches of products raise the risk of picking errors, and reduced visibility can hamper tracking and strategic sales planning.

  • Additionally, slower fulfillment times and diminished customer service quality may result, leaving both you and your customers frustrated.

That's why exploring the world of interactive 3D for your furniture retail business is more than just a consideration—it's a strategic move towards enhancing customer engagement and driving sales. With interactive rotation and spinning of products using a 3D Configurator, you have the power to showcase every variant of your furniture in real time, allowing each unique design to shine and increasing the likelihood of converting browsers into buyers.

By incorporating 3D configurations on your website, you can expect to experience a range of benefits that directly impact your bottom line:

  • Increased conversions: Studies have shown that interactive 3D images can boost conversion rates anywhere from 27% to a staggering 300%, depending on the type of products and visualizations used.

  • Increased upselling capability: Personalization is a driving force in today's market. With interactive 3D, showcasing personalized options in real time can lead to customers being willing to pay about 20% more, thereby increasing revenue per transaction.

  • Expanded customer base: In a competitive landscape, an engaging consumer experience can be the key to retaining customers. Studies reveal that 57% of customers have switched brands due to a better experience offered elsewhere. By leveraging interactive 3D, you can captivate customers and keep them coming back.


Take the first step today—book a demo, and discover how a single 3D model of your furniture products can unlock numerous possibilities for your business.


What is 360 view software?

360-degree product photography software seamlessly combines the hardware and software work, enabling users to capture a series of high-quality photos from various angles. These images are then stitched together to create an interactive and immersive 360-degree view.

What is a 360 product viewer?

A 360 degree product viewer is a software tool or application that enables users to interact with product images in a dynamic and interactive manner. It enhances the shopping experience by offering features such as 360-degree rotation, zoom functionality, hotspot tagging for product information, and customization options.

What are the benefits of using 360-degree photography?

Using 360 degrees product photography offers several benefits:

  • It provides a comprehensive view of products, allowing potential customers to engage with them more effectively.

  • It improves product positioning and allows for better showcasing of product features.

  • The image quality is typically high, offering better clarity and detail.

  • It can be customized with custom-defined sequences to highlight specific product features.

  • It can be integrated into web pages using HTML code, making it accessible to users on various devices and web browsers.

Can I take a 360-degree photo with my iPhone?

Yes, you can take a 360 product photo with certain apps available on iPhones. These apps use the device's camera settings to capture multiple images and then stitch them together to create a panoramic view. However, for professional-quality 360 spin product photography studio with dedicated hardware and software are often recommended to ensure better quality and control over the process.

How many images are typically required to create a 360-degree view?

The number of images needed depends on the desired level of detail and smoothness of the final 360-degree view. Generally, a minimum of 12 images is recommended for a smooth rotation, but more images may be required for complex or larger objects.

How to shoot 360 product photography?

To take a 360-degree photo of an object, you can use multiple cameras positioned around the object or a specialized turntable that rotates the product while capturing images. The images are then processed and stitched together using software to create a seamless 360-degree view. Ensure you follow standard operating procedures for image capture, quality control, and format (JPG or PNG) to achieve the best results.

How much does 360 product photography cost?

The cost of 360 product photography varies depending on factors such as the complexity of the project, the quality of images required, and the equipment and software used. The average cost of 360 product photography including taxes is $6267.

How do I embed a 360-degree view on my website?

To embed a 360-degree view on your website, you can use HTML code provided by your 360 View Software. Simply copy and paste the code into the HTML of your web page where you want the 360-degree view to appear.

How can I ensure high-quality 360 product photography for my furniture store?

1. Produce standard operating procedures (SOPs): Develop detailed SOPs for your photography process, including camera settings, lighting setup, and post-processing techniques. Consistent procedures ensure consistent results.

2. choose JPG or PNG format: select the appropriate file format based on your image quality needs and website performance requirements. JPG offers smaller file sizes, while PNG maintains higher image quality with transparency support.

3. Leverage software features: Utilize software with advanced features like batch processing and automated stitching. These tools streamline the photography workflow and improve efficiency.

4. Engage support team: Maintain a reliable support team that can assist with technical issues and troubleshooting during photography sessions or software usage.

What is 3D product photography?

3D product photography involves creating three-dimensional models of products using software and techniques that simulate depth and perspective. This allows viewers to interact with the product in a virtual environment, providing a more engaging and informative experience compared to traditional 2D images.

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