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Virtual Room Visualizer and Techniques Behind: Don’t Just Sell a Sofa, Sell the Room

Let's talk about something that's going to revolutionize the way you sell sofas and everything else in between – virtual room visualizer. As the economy booms and people crave a better quality of life, furniture has become a hot commodity. The way you market these pieces is evolving faster than ever before.

Now, think about how you currently showcase your furniture products. Mostly pictures, maybe some text descriptions here and there, right? But here's the thing – static images and flat text can only do so much. Customers want more than just a glimpse and dive into the experience of envisioning how that sofa will fit into their living room or how that dining set will complement their space.

What is Virtual Room Visualizer

A virtual room visualizer is an advanced tool that utilizes immersive technologies to create interactive and lifelike experiences. Much like a virtual design tool, customers can use it to upload their room images from their tablet or mobile device. They can then remove their existing furniture, add items from a retailer's catalog, and customize it in real home settings. This process allows them to visualize and personalize their living spaces before making purchasing decisions, making the room visualizer a valuable asset for both customers and furniture retailers.

Virtual room visualizer example


The Techniques Behind Virtual Room Visualizer

Virtual room visualizers are powered by sophisticated image processing algorithms that go beyond simple image rendering. The core challenge lies in accurately recognizing and detecting objects within customer-provided room photos.

Object Detection Techniques

Object recognition algorithms play a pivotal role in a virtual room visualizer. These algorithms are designed to classify objects into predefined categories within an image. The primary goal is to distinguish furniture items, such as sofas, tables, and chairs, from background elements like walls, floors, and decor.

Detecting objects in diverse environments poses several challenges. These include:

  • Positioning Variations: The positioning of images can vary, leading to challenges in accurately identifying and locating objects within the image.

  • Varied Lighting and Contrast: Objects may appear differently under varying lighting and contrast levels, requiring robust detection algorithms.

  • Noise and Distortion: Image noise and distortion can hinder accurate object recognition.

To address these challenges, virtual room visualizers employ various methods.


Machine Learning (ML) Models for Object Detection

Machine learning route is like teaching a computer to recognize furniture on its own. This involves using models that can learn from lots of examples. For instance, you could train a model with tons of labeled images showing different types of furniture in various room settings. The model then learns to pick out furniture based on patterns it sees in the data.

Machine learning models tend to be more accurate, especially in varied room settings or with different types of furniture. They can handle the complexities of real-life photos better than rule-based approaches.

Semantic Segmentation

Description: All the objects that belong to the same class share the label. In the context of virtual room visualizers, semantic segmentation can label sofa pixels separately from background or other objects.

Commonly used semantic segmentation techniques include SegNet, U-Net, DeconvNet, and FCNs.

Advantages: Semantic segmentation provides a detailed understanding of sofa locations within an image, allowing for accurate visualization and customization within virtual room environments.

Limitations: While effective in segmenting sofas, semantic segmentation may not differentiate between individual sofa instances in a scene. It treats all sofas as belonging to the same class, which can limit the ability to customize each sofa separately. 

Example: Imagine your customer has a photo of a cozy dining room with four armchairs arranged around a table, with a beautiful flower vase placed in the center. Semantic segmentation, in this scenario, would be like a smart labeling tool that can accurately identify and label the different furniture items such as the armchairs, the table, and the flower vase.

However, semantic segmentation doesn't differentiate between individual instances of the same object type. So while it can effectively label all the armchairs, it won't distinguish between Chair A and Chair B, or recognize their specific positions relative to each other. 

This distinction becomes important in situations where you might need to treat each armchair separately, such as customizing their designs or analyzing their arrangement in the room. For tasks requiring this level of detail and precision, techniques like instance segmentation would be more suitable.

Semantic segmentation in virtual room visualizer

Instance Segmentation

Description: Instance segmentation extends semantic segmentation by not only labeling object classes but also distinguishing between individual instances of the same class. In sofa detection, instance segmentation can identify and separate multiple sofas within an image.

Commonly used instance segmentation techniques are Mask R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, YOLACT, and PANet.

Advantages: Instance segmentation offers a granular understanding of sofa instances, enabling customers to visualize and customize each sofa independently. This level of detail is beneficial for scenarios where customers want to mix and match sofa styles or colors.

Limitations: Instance segmentation can be computationally intensive, especially when dealing with complex scenes containing multiple objects of the same class. It may also require extensive training data to accurately differentiate between sofa instances.

Example: Continuing with the example of the dining room photo, let's delve deeper into how instance segmentation adds a layer of detail and precision.

In your customer's photo of the dining room, instance segmentation would not only identify and label the different furniture items like the four armchairs, the table, and the flower vase but also distinguish each instance within these categories.

Instance segmentation would accurately outline each armchair, marking them as Chair A, Chair B, Chair C, and Chair D. This level of specificity opens up a world of possibilities for customization and analysis. Suppose the customer wants to experiment with different upholstery styles or rearrange the seating arrangement. Instance segmentation allows them to manipulate each armchair independently, without affecting the others.

Machine learning models in virtual room visualizer


The Power of Virtual Room Visualizers and ML Models

When virtual room visualizers and machine learning models join forces, they create a dynamic and personalized experience for both furniture retailers and their customers.

Benfits of virtual room visualizer tool

Benefits For Retailers

Room Styling Inspiration

Instead of just showcasing sofas or standalone furniture items, retailers can curate complete room setups or visualizations. This approach helps customers envision how different pieces can come together harmoniously to create a cohesive and stylish living environment.

Increased Engagement

Interactive tools such as delete, add, rotate, swap, and customize furniture items capture customer attention and keep them engaged on the retailer's website or platform for longer periods. This extended engagement can lead to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Streamlined Sales Process

Integration with e-commerce platforms allows customers to seamlessly add recommended items to their cart directly from the virtual room visualizer. This streamlines the sales process and reduces friction in completing purchases.

Cross-Selling Opportunities

Virtual room visualizer opens up cross-selling opportunities for retailers. Instead of stopping at selling a single piece of furniture, retailers suggest complementary items that complete the room ensemble. For example, pairing a sofa with matching accent chairs, coffee tables, and rugs. This comprehensive approach maximizes the value of each customer interaction.

Sales Support Tool

Empower your in-store consultants by equipping them with tablets integrated with room visualizers. With these tools, consultants gain the ability to showcase a wide range of product variations, discuss customization options, and guide customers through immersive room layouts, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of your offerings.

Benefits For Customers

Visualize Before You Buy

Virtual room visualizers empower customers to see how furniture will look in their own homes before making a purchase. By uploading a photo of their room or using pre-built interiors, customers can virtually place furniture and experiment with different styles. This helps them make confident purchasing decisions and reduces the risk of buyer's remorse.

Accurate Space Planning and Avoiding Size Mismatch

Customers can avoid purchasing furniture that is too large or too small for their rooms. This prevents the hassle of returns or exchanges due to size discrepancies.

Budget Planning

Knowing the dimensions helps customers plan their budget effectively. They can determine if they need multiple smaller pieces or a few larger ones to achieve their desired room setup.

Inspiration and Creativity

Virtual room visualizers inspire customers to be creative with their interior design choices. They can experiment with different furniture arrangements and styles, sparking ideas for their living spaces.

Save and Share Features

Customers can download their virtual room designs for future reference or share them with friends and family for feedback, facilitating collaboration and enhancing the overall shopping experience.

Satisfaction and Confidence

Seeing furniture in their own rooms virtually builds confidence in the purchase decision. Customers are more satisfied with their choices, leading to higher levels of customer loyalty and repeat business.


Here's where Zolak comes in. Zolak's SaaS platform, purpose-built for the furniture industry, introduces a spectrum of groundbreaking solutions. From captivating 3D showrooms to AI-driven customization features, Zolak's virtual room visualizer solutions redefine the landscape of online furniture shopping. 

With Zolak, your customers can snap a photo of their room, effortlessly remove the items from the photo, and add furniture from your catalog. They can rotate, arrange, and customize colors and textures to their liking, creating a personalized virtual space that reflects their unique style and vision.

  • Semantic Segmentation Algorithms: Zolak leverages advanced semantic segmentation algorithms to accurately identify and categorize different elements within a room, such as furniture, walls, and decor items. This technology ensures that each item is correctly recognized and isolated, laying the foundation for a detailed and immersive virtual room visualization.

  • Instance Segmentation Algorithms: In addition to semantic segmentation, Zolak employs instance segmentation algorithms to go beyond merely identifying objects; it distinguishes between individual instances of the same furniture type. For example, it can identify each unique armchair or sofa, enabling users to customize and manipulate each item independently.

  • Deep Learning for Realism: Through deep learning algorithms, our platform creates visually stunning and lifelike representations of furniture items, considering factors like lighting, shadows, and texture details for an immersive experience.

This ensures that your customers confidently craft their ideal spaces while purchasing furniture or complete furniture sets.


Moreover Zolak's Showroom seamlessly integrates with your current platform, whether it's Shopify, Magento, or any other e-commerce platform, ensuring easy implementation without disrupting your existing workflows or infrastructure.

Want to see virtual room visualizer in action? Schedule a demo with us today! 

Sell Furniture Products? Explore AI-Powered Visual Commerce Solutions

Zolak allows your customers to digitize their own spaces or choose from pre-designed virtual rooms to visualize and interact with furniture products. With accurate details, realistic lighting, and shadows, our showroom delivers a photorealistic experience that engages customers and drives conversions.

Group 1587


What is a virtual room visualizer, and how can it benefit my furniture store?

A virtual room visualizer is a digital tool that allows customers to see how different furniture pieces, paint color, flooring types, and other elements would look together in a room before making a purchase. It benefits your store by enhancing the customer's shopping experience, increasing engagement, and boosting sales as customers can visualize their ideal space.

How can I integrate a virtual room visualizer into my furniture store's website?

Integrating a virtual room visualizer into your website is relatively straightforward. Many software providers offer easy-to-install plugins or APIs that seamlessly integrate with your existing platform. You can also customize the visualizer to match your brand's look and feel for a cohesive online experience.

Can customers upload their own photos to the virtual room visualizer?

Yes, for example Zolak Showroom allows customers to upload their own photos of the space they want to decorate. This feature adds a personal touch and helps customers visualize how the furniture and other elements will look in their actual room, making the buying decision more confident.

What kind of room scenes can customers explore with the visualizer?

Customers can explore a wide range of room scenes, including living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and more, each tailored to showcase different furniture arrangements.

Is the room visualizer tool compatible with various devices and apps?

Yes, our Zolak Showroom is designed to be user-friendly and accessible across different devices and platforms, ensuring a seamless experience for customers whether they're using a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

How can I encourage customers to use the virtual room visualizer?

Promote the virtual room visualizer prominently on your website and social media channels. Offer incentives such as discounts or exclusive offers for customers who use the visualizer to design their rooms. Additionally, provide step-by-step guides or tutorials to help customers navigate and make the most of the tool.

How can the room visualizer tool help customers with product pages and selections?

The room visualizer tool enhances product pages by offering interactive 3D models and allowing customers to see how specific products would look in their chosen room settings, aiding them in making informed purchase decisions.

Can customers save and share their room visualizations for future reference?

Absolutely! Customers can save their customized room designs, share them with friends and family for feedback, and revisit them later when they're ready to make a purchase.

Why should I be interested in using a virtual room visualizer to showcase flooring options?

By providing access to a comprehensive library of flooring options, carpet samples, and diverse furniture styles, customers can easily imagine how different pieces will look and fit within their own homes. This tool allows customers to select, change, and experiment with various furniture arrangements, enabling them to visualize their ideal living space with your products. Moreover, by offering clear instructions and guidance on using the virtual room visualizer, you empower customers to explore your brand's offerings at their convenience. 

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